Due to the close collaboration of the specialists from the four fields, bottlenecks are quickly made clear and opportunities for collaboration are identified.” Phew, when did you quit? Whatsapp Number List Unfortunately, the internet is full of abstract, impersonal and passive language. A shame, because most people are not that fond of reading. How do Whatsapp Number List you really write an understandable text? As a content and communication maker you only want one thing: to reach your target group.
That is why B1 level texts are all the rage Whatsapp Number List these days. The majority of Dutch people would understand texts at this level well. But in my previous article I discovered that it is quite unclear what exactly a B1 text must meet. Criticism Whatsapp Number List of B1 language use That's how I found out that B1 lumps all readers together. For example, B1 language does not take into account your prior knowledge about a subject. Or with your motivation to read a text. The list of text characteristics for a good B1 text also appears to be limited.
My conclusion? I prefer to strive for Whatsapp Number List understandable language . According to professor of language and communication Leo Lentz , a document, website or other communication product is understandable if: Users Whatsapp Number List can find, understand and apply the information they need. Users can perform their task thanks to the clear wording, the accessible structure and the (graphic) design.